Savvy Brain Food - Australian science based blog

  • NEWS- Byron Magazine - The maker of SAVVY

    SAVVY BEVERAGES makes products that give your brain a boost. We use nootropics to help people to improve their mental wellbeing, energy and mood.



      ARTICLE AT A GLANCE The number of calories in coffee and whether or not it affects a fast. Three most common fasts and the results of drin...
  • The best brain foods for kids and growing minds

    The best brain foods for kids and growing minds   Article at a Glance The brain is the first to absorb nutrients when we eat. So it does re...
  • Can Nootropics really help lawyers everyday?

    Can Nootropics really help lawyers everyday?   Article at a Glance Lawyers are facing excessive stress that is causing mental fatigue and bu...
  • Everyday Activities You Can Do to Really Improve Your Brain According to Science

      Article At A Glance: Developing and training your brain is important, as is training your body.  Sleep and nutrition play a large role in de...
  • Adaptogens – Can They Relieve Stress?

    How can adaptogens help us every day? Can they help us relieve stress and focus?
  • The World's 2nd-Smartest Man Says These Nootropics Make Him Smarter

    Article at a glance The Second Smartest Man, Rick Rosner, uses nootropics to keep his brain at its best.  Many of the supplements in the stac...
  • What are Nootropics?

     Article at a glance Natural nootropics are not drugs, they are non-addictive, and are completely safe to consume Nootropics support better...
  • Binaural Beats: What Are They and Do They Benefit Mind and Body?

    Binaural beats are tones with two different frequencies. Each frequency is heard through a different ear and the brain synchronises with the tones to hear the difference of the two frequencies. They have benefits for improved memory, creativity and mood! They can also help to lower anxiety, improve focus and even help with sleep.
  • How Do Video Games Affect The Brain?

    When the term “video games” is mentioned in a conversation, two things usually come up: eSports tournaments and video game addiction. With the rise of video games, eSports has become a popular profession and gamers have the opportunity to make a lot of money playing video games. However, gaming can also become an addiction due to the spike in dopamine when playing video games such as Fortnite.
  • The Diet Brain

    Article at a glance When starting a diet, a key component is the Set-Point Weight There are two hormones that affect weight, ghrelin a...
  • The Benefits of Art for Brain Health and Well-Being

    Studies have shown that there are many physical, mental and emotional benefits to viewing and appreciating art, as well as creating art.