Schisandra berry, from the plant Schisandra chinensis, is “the wonderful berry that does it all.”
Schisandra, known as the “quintessence of Chinese tonic herbs,” is said to support health, vitality and mental strength. It is an adaptogen which means it provides support to the body and mind in times of stress and anxiety, to help to promote a state of calm.
Schisandra has been used for thousands of years as it is revered as one of the elite herbs of Chinese medicine and herbalism.
Our Schisandra Berries are extracted using purified water and processed in line with the ancient wisdom of Traditional Chinese Medicine at a 5:1 ratio. A special extraction process is used to ensure all of the naturally occurring and valuable aspects of the berry is preserved, creating a powerful full spectrum extract.

Active compounds
Schisandrins A, B and C are the bioactive chemical compounds found in berries of the Schisandra plant. Schisandra chinensis Fructus, dry ripe fruit of S chinensis has been researched to have active ingredients such as schizandrin A (Sch A), schizandrin B (Sch B), schizandrin C (Sch C), schisantherin A (STA), schisandrin (SCH), schizandrol B, α-isocubebenol (ICO), gomisin A, gomisin N, and nigranoic acid.
Recommended Dose
Appropriate dosing was found to vary depending on extract type and the lignan content. There are no universal guidelines that recommend the appropriate dosage of Schisandra. However, most commercial extracts are said to be safely consumed between doses of 500-2000 milligrams daily. The supplements are generally prescribed at a daily dose of 500 to 1000 milligrams.
For improving mental and physical performance, 500mg to 2 grams of the extract daily was used.
We are using a 5:1 extract at 150mg, which means we have equivalent to 750mg of the berries. People have also been noted to take 100 mg of Schisandra extract twice daily to improve mental performance. When used as an adaptogen, dosage varied from 0.5 to 6 g/day of powdered product. To improve athletic performance, 91.1 mg of extract per tablet was used.
When used at high doses, the compound has been noted to cause gastric distress symptoms like heartburn and allergic reactions in some people like itches and skin rashes. This is why a lower dose of a full spectrum extract is preferred.
Like all herbs, when in combination with others that do similar functions, less is required.

To make it easy to identify all the different studies - we will highlight them for you!
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Reduces Anxiety
Chen, Wai-Wei, et al. ‘Pharmacological studies on the anxiolytic effect of standardized Schisandra lignans extract on restraint-stressed mice’. Phytomedicine. Volume 18. Issue 13. 2011. pp.1144-1147. [Link]
This study investigated the effects of Schisandra lignan extract on anxiety disorder in restraint stressed mice. It was found that oral administration of 100 and 200 mg/kg/day of the extract for 8 days reduced the levels of stress-induced anxiety. The anxiolytic effects of the extract were said to be related to the anti-stress activity due to hyperactivity of the HPA axis
Kawabe, Momoko, et al. ‘Ninjinyoeito improves anxiety behavior in neuropeptide Y deficient zebrafish’. Neuropeptides. Volume 87. 2021. p.102136. [Link]
“Schizandria was identified as a responsible compound in the anxiolytic effect of…”
Song, Yonggui, et al. ‘Raw and wine processed Schisandra chinensis attenuate anxiety-like behaviour via modulating gut microbiota and lipid metabolism pathway’. Journal of Ethnopharmacology. Volume 266. 2021. p.113426. [Link]
This study investigated the possible mechanism and related metabolism of S. chinensis in treating nervous system-related diseases. The study concluded that treatment with S. chinensis improved anxiety and depression-like behaviour by modulating gut microbiota derivatives.
Wu, Yiyan, et al. 2014. Effects of the aqueous extract ofSchizandra chinensisfruit on ethanol withdrawal-induced anxiety in rats. Chinese medical journal. Volume 127. Issue 10. 2014. pp.1935-1940. [Link]

Has a Sedative and Hypnotic Effect
Zhang, Chenning, et al. ‘Gomisin N isolated from Schisandra chinensis augments pentobarbital-induced sleep behaviors through the modification of the serotonergic and GABAergic system’. Fitoterapia. Volume 96. 2014. pp.123-130. [Link]
This study identified the ability of Gomisin N, a bioactive compound of S. chinensis to act as a sedative and hypnotic agent. The results of the study found that Gomisin N possesses a weak sedative effect on locomotion and increased the sleep duration of mice at a dose-dependent rate. This might be due to the modification in the serotonergic and GABAergic systems of the brain.
Zhu, Hongyan et al. 2016. ‘Sedative and hypnotic effects of supercritical carbon dioxide fluid extraction from Schisandra chinensis in mice’. Journal of food and drug analysis. Volume 24. Issue 4. 2016. pp.831-838. [Link]
This study was conducted to investigate the sedative and hypnotic activities of the supercritical carbon dioxide fluid extraction of S. chinensis in mice and the possible mechanisms. The results found that the extract has a sedative effect, identified from a reduction in the locomotion time of mice in a dose-dependent manner. Doses of 50 mg/kg, 100 mg/kg and 200 mg/kg showed strong hypnotic effects, including reversal of insomnia induced by caffeine and other chemicals. The effects that were observed also included a decrease in sleep latency, sleep recovery and an increase in sleeping time. The mechanism of action was identified to be due to action on serotonergic and γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA)ergic systems in the brain.
Yin, L.P, et al. ‘Study on the effect of schisandra wine on sleep improvement of mice’. Science Technol Food Industry. Volume 34. Issue 14. 2013. pp.346-9. [Link]
The aim of the study was to investigate the effect of Schisandra wine on the sleep of mice. The results of the study showed that the sleep time of mice was prolonged, the sleeping rate increased and the sleep latency reduced.
Li, Ning et al. ‘Sedative and hypnotic effects of Schisandrin B through increasing GABA/Glu ratio and upregulating the expression of GABAA in mice and rats’. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy. Volume 103. 2018. pp.509-516. [Link]
Schosandrin B is an active lignan of S. chinensis and this study examined the sedative and hypnotic effect of SchB and explored the underlying mechanism. The results showed that SchB significantly reduced mouse locomotive activities and improved sleeping quality index, including an increased number of sleeping mice, increased sleep time, shortened sleep latency and prolonged sleep duration.
Shu, Jing, et al. ‘Sedative and hypnotic effects of Schisandra Chinensis baill lignans’. In Proceedings 2011 International Conference on Human Health and Biomedical Engineering. 2011. pp. 514-517. IEEE. [Link]
The effects on mice after the administration of S. chinensis lignan included an increase in sleep and prolonged duration of sleep. The results of the study indicated that the lignans could produce sedative and hypnotic effects on mice by reducing the Glu content in mice brain tissue.

Improves Muscles Strength
Zhanying, Zhang. and Shuqi, X. ‘Effects of Schisandra chinensis Polysaccharides on Anti-Fatigue and Anti-Hypoxia in Mice [J]’. Journal of Northeast Forestry University. Volume 12. 2011. [Link]
This study examined the effects of S. chinensis polysaccharides on anti-fatigue and anti-hypoxia in mice. Administratio
Kang, Saermoni, et al. ‘Identification of a novel anti-inflammatory compound, α-cubebenoate from Schisandra chinensis’. Journal of ethnopharmacology. Volume 153. Issue 1. 2014. pp.242-249. [Link]
“α-Cubebenoate may act as an anti-fatigue constituent of Schisandra chinensis through anti-inflammation and could be of therapeutic use as a treatment for inflammatory diseases”
Park, Jinkee, et al. ‘Effect of Schisandra Chinensis extract supplementation on quadriceps muscle strength and fatigue in adult women: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial’. International journal of environmental research and public health. Volume 17. Issue 7. 2020. p.2475. [Link]
Reduces Stress
Xia, Nan et al. Schisandra chinensis and Rhodiola rosea exert an anti-stress effect on the HPA axis and reduce hypothalamic c-Fos expression in rats subjected to repeated stress. Experimental and therapeutic medicine. Volume 11. Issue 1. 2016. pp.353-359. [Link]
The aim of the study was to investigate the effects of S. chinensis on rats subjected to 5 hours of stress. The results indicated that Schisandra markedly decreased the stress-induced elevation of compounds. Thus. the plant exerts an anti-stress effect in rats subjected to stress by balancing the HPA axis.
Panossian, Alexander George, et al. ‘Adaptogens stimulate neuropeptide Y and Hsp72 expression and release in neuroglia cells’. Frontiers in neuroscience. Volume 6. 2012. p.6. [Link]
“A fixed combination of adaptogens...Schisandra chinensis berry extract….stimulated the expression of NPY and 72 kDa heat shock protein in isolated human neuroglia cells.
The stimulation and release of the stress hormones (NPY and 72 kDa heat shock protein), into the systemic circulation, is an innate defence response against mild stressors, which increase tolerance and adaptation to stress.”
Provino, Robert. ‘The role of adaptogens in stress management’. Australian Journal of Medical Herbalism. Volume 22. Issue 2. 2010. pp.41-49. [Link]
“Schisandra chinensis is an extensively used adaptogen in Traditional Chinese Medicine.”
Panossian, Alexandra.G. ‘Adaptogens in mental and behavioral disorders’. Psychiatric Clinics. Volume 36. Issue 1. 2013. pp.49-64. [Link]
Promotes Calmness
Panossian, Alexander. and Wikman, Georg. ‘Effects of adaptogens on the central nervous system and the molecular mechanisms associated with their stress—protective activity’. Pharmaceuticals. Volume 3. Issue 1. 2010. pp.188-224. [Link]
Treatment with S. chinensis tincture normalised the reaction in the schizophrenic patients who became calm, sociable and active, free of emotional tension, anxiety and were willing to work.
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