
ENERGY+ Nootropic Bar

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Nootropic Focus Coffee Powder

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Let's get you rewarded for sharing the natural drink to help you think

Click below to get started 👇


How does it work?

Click the button below, and set up your account.   
1. Share your unique code with your friends 
2. Your friends get 15% off (nice!) and then you get a reward of 15% too!  
For example: on a $100 order. They save $15 (nice!) and you get $15 reward

Click below to set up your account:

Frequently Ask Questions

How does it work?

You use the link the platform generates you by putting your email in.  You receive an email with your unique link which will look something like GOO.IE/UNIQUE 

How do I get rewarded?

Once you set up your account, you input your bank account details and when people use your link - you get sent $
It's as easy as that! 

Can I put my link anywhere?

YES! You can get your friends, team mates, or whoever you like to try SAVVY and you get rewarded

Is the discount for customers automatic?

Yes. When someone clicks on your link. They are taken to the SAVVY shop page. They then shop as per usual, and will receive an AUTOMATIC discount. This will trigger you receiving your reward when they complete their order. 

Our Newest Product

EVERYTHING Starter Nootropic Stack | For Energising Or Calming Your Mind
$179.00 $221.00